Friday, July 10, 2009

6 weeks 2 days...

Today was our first U/S. I've had some spotting the last few days and the doc thought it a good idea just to see what was going on in there. So that landed DH and I at the docs office nervously waiting for the tech to call us back.

The U/S tech started with an abdominal U/S and could see the gestational sac but not much else so she switched to a transvag U/S (aka. dildo cam!). Took her a second but soon we could see our little bean! Right now it's just a yolk sac and the fetal pole but it had a heart beat! Beating strong at 119 bpm!!!

I feel sooo much better having seen that. There's actually something going on in there!!!! Holy Cow! DH was really cute - he kept telling me he had a good feeling about this going into it. He's my rock! Although, he did express his relief once we saw the heartbeat.

Once I figure out how to scan things in, I'll post a pic of our little blob.

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